A.Docs at the 18th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences World Congress, july 2018, Florianopolis

AntropoDocs & Films will be present throughout the congress especially enjoying documentaries and audiovisual projects. During four days the best selection of documentaries at a human level will be exhibited among the hundreds of scientific works received from all over the world.

AntropoDocs & Films will be looking for documentaries for its international distribution department and for its VOD.antropodocs.com

As representing the MAAM (Muestra of Audiovisual Anthropology of Madrid) will also take the opportunity to select the best works and try to exhibit them in the National Museum of Anthropology of Madrid.

Web del Congreso Mundial


Documentales seleccionados


18º Congresso Mundial IUAES – Filmes Selecionados para …
Título do filme: Outro Fogo Autor: Guilherme Moura e Pedro Branco Ano: 2017 País: Brasil Abstract: A sensorial record of affinity and enmity relationships with fire in the conservation of the Cerrado biome.